Christian Fellowship League


The Christian Fellowship League is an activity offered by the Youth Department of the Lake Region Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists for the young people to learn the fundamentals of athletics with Adventist standards. Emphasis is placed on Christ-like character, fellowship, and good sportsmanship. In our efforts, we encourage all participants to glorify God.

Our purpose is to create and maintain a safe environment to the constituents of the Lake Region Conference for the purpose of holistic growth through athletic play.

Our Vision is for all participants to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus, fellowship with other SDA’s (locally, Conference, Regional, Union, and Division wide), and have a safe environment for recreation.

Our mission is to promote Seventh-day Adventist fellowship, perform service and community outreach, and give positive direction through athletic play.

The CFL is broken down into five divisions lead by a General Commissioner under the direction of the Youth Ministries Director:

General Commissioner -Dr. Juanita Martin,

Forms:  Each from is downloadable

*Verified volunteer Background Screening:

For the Child Protection Screening Process:
Click on this link Employee Set-up Video<> so that you may view an orientation video with the steps for the training and background screening process with Verified Volunteers.
Click on this link<> to go to the website to do the actual training and authorize the background screen.  As the orientation video instructs, select First Time Registrant.  The next screen asks you to select your Union.  Select:  Lake Union.  You will then be asked to select your Conference.  Select:  Lake Region Conference.  Then make sure you select the appropriate role/job title.


Dr. Juanita Martin

CFL Central Division 

John Davis, Commissioner


Adam Martin, Commissioner

CFL Eastern Division 

Shawn Payne, Commissioner

CFL Western Division 

David Graham, Commissioner


Antione Brown, Commissioner

CFL Sweet 16 Meal Tickets:

Click Here