Donate to Youth Ministries through Adventist Giving

Once you click the link, it should go to the LRC Adventist Giving page. If so, go to Step 2. If not, follow start with step 1.

1. If the link sends you to the home page, Select or type in Lake Region Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church (where it says please choose your church below).

2. In the section that says, Conference/Union, type in your donation amount in the line item for Pathfinder Camporee 2024, Gillette, WY, or Ministries Fundraising Campaign. If that line item is not there, simply select, More Offering Categories and check Youth Ministries Fundraising Campaign to add it to the list.

3. Click Continue at the bottom of the page

4. Select your registration giving option and click Continue

5. Complete the required giving information and click Confirm Donation.

Thank you for your contribution to LRC Youth Ministries!

Donate to Youth Ministries through CashApp


Please state which department of Youth Ministry you are donating to. e.g. Pathfinders, Adventures, CFL, Youth AY, Fundraiser