Lake Region Conference Youth Federations
Federation Operational Guidelines and Election Process
Realizing that we are living in earth’s closing days, and comprehending the need, which is greater than ever before, for united and organized Christian activity of Seventh-day Adventist young people; and recognizing how all-inclusive is our responsibility, as brought to view in the Spirit of Prophecy statement, “With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon coming Savior might be carried to the world” (Education, 271), we do here unite ourselves into an organization.
The names of this organization shall be the “respective area: Chicagoland, FEHJA, Illiana, Michiana, Motor City” Youth Federation of the Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The purpose of this organization shall be to promote and to sustain the high spiritual standards of its members, to enlarge the scope of their soul-winning activities beyond those which are being fostered by the individual federated societies, to furnish additional impetus to Adventist Youth Society membership, to provide added opportunities for broader social fellowship, to promote united support for a greater interest in Christian education by cooperatively establishing scholarships and fostering other appropriate education stimuli, and to lend coordinated assistance for the full support of all phases of Adventist Youth involvement that will assist in producing our objective and product - Christian men and women.
Chicagoland Youth Federation Facebook Page
The Chicagoland Youth Federation is a subsidiary of the Lake Region Conference Youth Department. It is comprised of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the Chicagoland area and surrounding areas.
President: Latita Thomas
Hispanic FEHJA Federation Facebook Page
The Hispanic FEHJA Youth Federation is a subsidiary of the Lake Region Conference Youth Department. It is comprised of Seventh-day Adventist Churches Conference wide.
President: Jairo Martinez
Illiana Youth Federation
The Illiana Youth Federation is a subsidiary of the Lake Region Conference Youth Department. It is comprised of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Central and Southern Indiana and Illinois.
President: Rijenna Murray
Michiana Youth Federation Website
The Michiana Youth Federation is a subsidiary of the Lake Region Conference Youth Department. It is comprised of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Northern Indiana and Southwest Michigan.
President: LaShawne Suggs
Motor City Youth Federation Website
The Motor City Youth Federation is a subsidiary of the Lake Region Conference Youth Department. It is comprised of Seventh-day Adventist Churches in the Detroit and surrounding areas, Flint, Lansing, and Saginaw.
President: Vernisha Roberts